إضافة بنر إعلاني

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Required field *
* Required field The name associated with this banner (e.g. your product name).
The URL to which this banner is pointing. Leave this blank if you are entering direct code or want to link to a banner rotation script (the Image URL should be given the URL to the rotation script).
A banner will only be shown if the banner.php script is called up asking to display banners of its type (the ‘Default’ type is the default). An example banner type might be ‘skyscraper’, and those would be shown if {$BANNER,skyscraper} was placed in an appropriate place in the templates.
Contract: Source media and text Source media and text
If you want to upload a file from your computer.
If you want to supply an existing image URL, or you want to point the banner to a rotation script. If you use a banner script you must use an absolute URL.
The title text for textual banners (NB: you can only add textual banners to a banner type that has been configured for them). Also serves as the hot-text in Comcode that will trigger the banner to be shown inline/contextually (only applies if the textual banner type also has “Works as Comcode hot-text” enabled).
A description of your product/site. This is the main text for a text banner, or for other kinds of banner it is shown as a tooltip (where possible).
Contract: Deployment determination Deployment determination
The date at which this content will expire, and therefore no longer appear on the system.
Contract: Advanced Advanced
Regions where this will show (by default in Composr “regions” means “countries”). If none are selected it is operative in all regions.